Heft 3-4/2017

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Geschichte des privaten Rundfunks in Bayern
Interview mit Prof. Dr. Markus Behmer, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg 3

Thema: Rundfunkhistorische Erinnerungen

Editorial 5

Markus Behmer
Schöpfen am Brunnen der Vergangenheit
Vom Umgang mit Zeitzeugen als historischen Quellen
Drawing from the well of the past:
Dealing with memories as historical source material

„Jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne“
Gespräch mit Barbara Molsen (Auszüge)
„There is magic in every new beginning“
In conversation with Barbara Molsen (Excerpts)

„mit dem Rundfunk sozialisiert“
Gespräch mit Manfred Jenke (Auszüge)
„socialized with broadcasting“
In conversation with Manfred Jenke (Excerpts)

„das treibt mich an und um“
Gespräch mit Jürgen Doetz (Auszüge)
„it drives me – and moves me around“
In conversation with Jürgen Doetz (Excerpts)

„da war noch so viel Herzblut da…“
Gespräch mit Volker von der Heydt (Auszüge)
„there was so much heart’s blood in it…“
In conversation with Volker von der Heydt (Excerpts)


Mediale Flieh- und Bindungskräfte. Migration, Identität und Medien
Jahrestagung des Studienkreises Rundfunk und Geschichte in Bonn
Annual conference Studienkreises Rundfunk und Geschichte in Bonn 58

Neuer Vorstand des Studienkreises gewählt
New board elected 59


Wem gehört der öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk?
Gesellschaftliche Teilhabe und Kontrolle
Symposium der Historischen Kommission der ARD
4. bis 5. Mai 2017 in Leipzig (MDR) 60

Big Archive: medial entgrenzt – sozial vernetzt
Frühjahrstagung des Vereins für Medieninformation und Mediendokumentation (vfm)
24. bis 26 April 2017 in Mainz (ZDF) 60

Historische Authentizität und Medien
Workshop am Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam
13. bis 14. Juli 2017 62

DRA-Tätigkeitsbericht 2016 63

moving history
Festival des historischen Films in Potsdam
20. bis 24. September 2017 63


Luisa Drews
Der Kriegsblinde und das Hörspiel. Ästhetiken und Politiken der Blindheit
im deutschsprachigen Rundfunk von den 1920er bis in die 1960er Jahre
(Universität Wien)
War-induced blind listeners and radio plays. The aesthetics and politics of blindness in German-language radio broadcasting, 1920s-1960 64

The aim of the PhD project is to analyse how ideas of ‘blind listening’ in descriptions of broadcasting, in the social realities of blind listeners like war-disabled blind persons, in radio programmes and especially in radio plays, were intertwined from the 1920s to the 1960s. Based on an analysis of exemplary political measures that established and deepened connections between blind people and radio broadcasting, the project focuses on the aesthetics, theories and poetics of blindness in the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1950s. To answer this question, the project uses archival research that it approaches through the lens of a historical discourse analysis informed by poetics of knowledge and media poetology. The goal is to contribute to media-historical research of literature as well as to demonstrate new ways of studying media and disability together.

Jan Bönkost
Die Freie Radio Bewegung der BRD zwischen 1975 und 1985 – Rekonstruktion einer kritischen Medientheorie und -praxis
(Universität Münster)
The Free Radio Movement in the FRG between 1975 and 1985 – Reconstruction of a critical media theory and practice 66

My dissertation aims to reconstruct the development of West-Germany’s Free Radio Movement around 1980. It starts off with the assumption that during this time Free Radios quite naturally belonged to the repertoire of the New Social Movements in their attempts to create counter-publics. Hence, the key questions are what ideas did the Free Radios and their activists have of public communication, how they did they try to put their concepts into practice and how did they constitute themselves as their own movement to do so. A historical and media-oriented ethnographic approach allows me to explore the complexity of the illegal Free Radios with regard to their social context and the perspective of their activists. My analysis is based on interviews with the (formerly conspiratorial) activists as well as written primary sources, mainly preserved in independent archives of social movements throughout Germany.

Virginie Philippe
A new reading of the Iberian transitions in the light of the small screen, 1973-1982
(Rennes 2 University, France) 68

This PhD thesis in comparative contemporary history explores the two Iberian processes of transition to democracy between 1973 and 1982 through the prism of television. Born in the 1950s under the dictatorships of Salazar and Franco, the Radiotelevisão Portuguesa (RTP) and the Televisión Española (TVE) became actors of the transition later, participating in the construction of a new democratic space. This political and cultural study of the RTP and TVE highlights the Iberian transitions from both points of view, the ruling elites’ one as well as civil society’s. Furthermore, the project examines the reciprocal influences between the two peninsular countries. The cross-analysis of the TVE and RTP broadcasts, which were dedicated to each own’s transition process as well as the neighbour’s one, allow us to target and identify mutual influences.

Nils Lange
Matthias Walden als politischer Journalist
(Universität Potsdam)
Matthias Walden – A Political Journalist 70

The doctoral thesis about the broadcast- and print journalist Matthias Walden (1927-1984) aims to contribute to the scholarship on the history of ideas and the intellectual history of the Federal Republic of Germany during the Cold War. as it does the history of political journalism. The main source is Walden’s estate, which is located in the company archive of the Axel-Springer-Verlag. For more than three decades, Walden commented on political and social developments of the German post-war democracy, first at broadcast stations (RIAS and SFB), then since 1967 on a regular basis also in the newspapers of the Springer-Verlag. A content-related source analysis of Walden’s broadcast commentaries, leading articles and columns can help understand the shaping of the media culture in the Federal Republic. Furthermore, Walden’s role as an intellectual in western Germany and his contribution to modern conservative thinking shall be clarified. Politically a defender of a liberal democracy, conservative from a social perspective and an anti-communist Cold Warrior in the East-West conflict: these are the puzzle pieces that make up the characterization of the political thinking of Matthias Walden, which is the main goal of this dissertation project.


Hans Sarkowicz (Hrsg.)
Geheime Sender. Der Rundfunk im Widerstand gegen Hitler.
(Ansgar Diller) 72

Susanne Schädlich
Briefe ohne Unterschrift. Wie eine BBC-Sendung die DDR herausforderte.
(Aline Munkewitz) 72

Nelson Ribeiro & Stephanie Seul (Eds.)
Revisiting transnational broadcasting: the BBC‘s
foreign-language services during the Second World War.
(Maria Rikitianskaia and Gabriele Balbi, Lugano) 74

Judith Früh
Tatort als Fernsehgeschichte. Historiografien und Archäografien eines Mediums
(Martin Stallmann) 75

Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Heftes U4