Heft 3-4/2015
Rundfunk und Geschichte
Heft 3-4/2015
ISSN 2751-1650 (Online)
Lebendige Rundfunkgeschichte
Prof. Dr. Heinz Glässgen zur Arbeit der Historischen Kommission der ARD
Living broadcasting history
Prof. Dr. Heinz Glässgen on the work of the historical commission of the ARD 3
THEMA: Stiefkind Rundfunkarchive?
Special Themed Section: Broadcasting archives as stepchild?
Gastherausgeber: Markus Behmer und Michael Crone
Guest editors: Markus Behmer and Michael Crone
Editorial 8
Leif Kramp
Zur Situation der Rundfunkarchivierung in Deutschland
On the state of broadcasting archives and archiving in Germany 11
Traditionally, broadcast archiving in Germany has been the responsibility of the broadcasting institutions. As early as the 1980s, serious public criticism of this politically supported arrangement emerged, focussing on how the domination of production orientation in the broadcasting archives shaped them: the lack of public control, fragmentary collections and limited access opportunities for scientific and cultural purposes. In the digital age, the management of broadcasting heritage has to deal with overarching issues in the assessment, preservation and use of archival assets, including the systematic collection of contextual material, the demand-based long-term digital preservation, and legal restrictions for accessing archive material for scientific, educational and cultural purposes. Recently, there are signs that public broadcasters are beginning a process of rethinking, and taking their cultural mission seriously with respect to their archives. However, this process is faced with complex challenges to its success.
Gabriele Fröschl
Sammlungs- und Erhaltungsstrategien in audiovisuellen Archiven
Collection and preservation strategies in audiovisual archives 25
Audiovisuelle archives, like all memory institutions, have the ambition to preserve cultural heritage for the long term. wie alle anderen Gedächtnisinstitutionen, den Anspruch, kulturelles Erbe langfristig zu bewahren. This preservation mission is at the centre of the institution’s self-image, and pursuing that mission is made increasingly difficult by the raped pace of technological development and size and scale of potential collections. To fulfil this preservation mission, archives are forced to make decisions in terms of their collecting competence. This means that digitization and preservation strategies go hand-in-hand with collection strategies, and need to be closely co-ordinated. Evaluating collections in a way that will also be valid for the future, is a constant process at such institutions, as we cannot tell today what the value of a collection will be in the future.
Holger Müller
Demenz oder Verdrängung?
Zur Archivlage des privaten Hörfunks in Bayern
Holger Müller: Dementia or Denial? On the Archives of Commercial Radio in Bavaria 32
May 25, 2015 marks the 30th anniversary of commercial FM radio in Germany. Although the nascence of this “new medium” has been accompanied by research into programmes, studies of the changes of the German media structure, and feasibility studies. Recently this particular field of research has been neglected. But how can researchers retrace the developments of the last 30 years, such as mergers between radio stations, the evolution of standard-format radio, or developments in broadcasting equipment? Based on selected examples, this article tries to gain an insight into the archive inventory of commercial broadcasters.
Frank Bösch, Christoph Classen und Leif Kramp
Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für den wissenschaftlichen Umgang mit audiovisuellen Quellen
Zusammenfassung eines Gutachtens
Legal frameworks academic research use of audiovisual sources: summary of a legal opinion 36
The use of audiovisual sources in academic research and teaching is subject to numerous legal uncertainties. Commissioned by and for the Association of Historians of Germany (VHD) and the Society for Media Studies (GfM), legal experts prepared an advisory opinion that shows in detail how complicated the legal situation is and what researchers and teachers should pay attention to when accessing audiovisual sources. The article presents the essential results and consequences.
Stephanie Sarah Lauke
Ein Erfahrungsbericht zu den Zugangsregelungen der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkarchive
Needs Improvement: A Report on the Regulations for Accessing Germany’s Public Service Broadcasting Archives 47
In spring 2014, German public service broadcasters agreed on standards for academics and researchers to access their archives. Based on two case studies on the implementation of these regulations in the Südwestrundfunk and Westdeutscher Rundfunk, this report provides an interim assessment and gives advice for subsequent improvements.
Alina L. Tiews
Auf Augenhöhe
Begegnungen von Archivar/innen und
Historiker/innen am Deutschen Rundfunkarchiv in Frankfurt/M.
At eye level
Encounters between archivists and historians at the German Broadcasting Archive in Frankfurt am Main 50
In June 2015, a workshop dealing with „Broadcasting Histories of ‚Flight and Expulsion'“ took place at the German Broadcasting Archive in Frankfort on the Main. Whereas, in the past, proper cooperation between historical research and the public service broadcasting institutions in Germany has appeared rather complicated often enough, this workshop set an example for how new alliances in broadcasting history can be forged.
Repräsentationen, Fiktionen – Medienarchive als Gedächtnis- und Erinnerungsorte
Jahrestagung 2015 in Wien 53
Vorstand des Studienkreises wiedergewählt 55
Fachgruppen eingerichtet 55
Edzard Schade
Gesetzlich geregelte Rundfunkarchivierung in der Schweiz
Legally mandated broadcast archiving in Switzerland 56
Charmaine Voigt
Digitale Archive. Wie wird der Zugang zu audio-visuellem Kulturgut gesichert?
Präsentation und Podiumsdiskussion auf dem 16. Medientreffpunkt
Mitteldeutschland (MTM) in Leipzig am 05. Mai 2015
Digital archives: how can access to audiovisual heritage be assured?
Presentation and panel discussion at the 16th Medientreffpunkt Mitteldeutschland (MTM) in Leipzig, 5 Mai 2015 57
Bernhard Gißibl
Valeska Bührer und Stephanie Sarah Lauke
An den Grenzen der Archive
Internationale Konferenz an der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln vom 05. bis 07. Februar 2015
At the borders of the archives
International conference at the Kunsthochschule für Medien Cologne 5-7 February 2015 59
Katy Homden
Broadcasting Opera to a New Republic: An Investigation of the Relationship between Opera and Radio in the Weimar Republic 62
The Weimar Republic gave birth to a new operatic form, the Zeitopern. These operas embraced the modern world, incorporating technology and media onto the stage and into the musical score. In Ernst Krenek’s Jonny Spielt auf (1927) hotel guests listen to an aria via the medium of a radio broadcast. The discourses around this opera create a key case study for my project. I will investigate the relationship between opera and radio broadcasting in the Weimar Republic in terms of operatic programming, audience experience and academic writing, using Jonny Spielt auf as a starting point. I will take an interdisciplinary approach, bringing together musicology and media history studies. My project will rely upon written archive material, and 1920s German academic works as well as modern historical writing. It will centre on the concept of opera developing as an entangled medium as new technologies develop in the Weimar Republic.
Tobias Steiner
Complex TV‘s (Hi)Stories of Transnational Pasts –
Serial Drama as Medium of Cultural Memory 64
Because of the global reach of its audiences and worldwide dissemination of narratives, an integration of the mass medium of television into the wider canon of media of cultural memory is long overdue. This PhD project’s goal therefore is to scrutinize the manifold interdependencies that allow for a particular media manifestation (i.e. a serial narrative) to become a medium of cultural memory. The project will try and combine existing approaches from various media such as film, photography and literature, including concepts such as intertextuality, remediation as well as possibly the “rhetoric of collective memory” (Erll, 2008), and hopes to be able to compile a set of tools that can be used in conjunction with television texts. This set of tools will then be tested via close textual analyses of three exemplary US TV drama series of Deadwood (HBO, 2004-2006), Boardwalk Empire (HBO, 2010-14), and Mad Men (AMC: 2007-2010, 2012-15). These series have been chosen because of their wide (inter)national reach and popularity as well as their genre specificity (‚period drama‘, i.e. a narrative genre depicting a particular historical period through an entanglement of historical facts, generational memories, and fiction).
Eva Waibel
Austrofaschismus, Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust im postnazistischen Theater. Geschichtspolitik und kulturelle Praxis 1955-1970.
Austro-Fascism, National Socialism, and Holocaust in post-Nazi Theatre. Politics of History and Cultural Practice 1955-1970. 66
The PhD project analyses how Viennese theatre between 1955 and 1970 dealt with historical themes such as Austro-Fascism, National Socialism, and the Holocaust in terms of identity and history construction. The research focuses on the interaction between politics of history and cultural practice by looking at theatre texts and productions using discourse analysis and performance theory methods. Both the production and reception of theatre plays are looked at, taking into account the context of post-war Austrian society during the 1950’s and 1960’s. Not only was the latter characterised by lingering anti-Semitism and xenophobia, but also by a specific cultural policy which influenced amongst others the funding, production, and advertisement of plays. By focussing on television-plays, at the time a new genre, the research also goes into the hitherto unexplored interaction between Viennese theatre and the Austrian televised entertainment sector. In doing so, the project analyses the representation of victims and perpetrators in those television-plays as well as the function of this genre as part of the cultural memory and commemoration within post-Nazi Austrian society.
Rezensionen / Reviews
Kurt Deggeller
Bestandserhaltung audiovisueller Dokumente
(Jörg Wehling) 68
Eva Maria Gajek
Imagepolitik im olympischen Wettstreit. Die Spiele von Rom 1960 und München 1972
(Martin Stallmann) 69
Sebastian Stoppe
Unterwegs zu neuen Welten. Star Trek als politische Utopie
(Florian Mundhenke) 70
Lutz Mükke
Korrespondenten im Kalten Krieg. Zwischen Selbstbehauptung und Propaganda
(Claudia Böttcher) 71
D. González / R. Greiner / W. Pauleit (Hg.)
Film und Geschichte. Produktion und Erfahrung von Geschichte durch Bewegtbild und Ton
(Fernando Ramos Arenas) 73
Birgit Bernard
„Den Menschen immer mehr zum Menschen machen“. Ernst Hardt 1876-1947
(Clemens Zimmermann) 74
Thomas Großmann
Fernsehen, Revolution und das Ende der DDR
(Christoph Lorke) 75
Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Heftes U4