Heft 1-2/2016
Rundfunk und Geschichte
Heft 1-2/2016
ISSN 2751-1650 (Online)
Geschichtsfernsehen verantwortlicher gestalten
Gespräch mit Silke Satjukow
Interview: Making history television more responsibly
In conversation with Silke Satjukow 3
Christian Henrich-Franke
Der Verkehrsfunk im Funktionswandel des Hörfunks in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren: Das Beispiel des WDR
Traffic radio and the transformation of radio’s function in 1960s and 1970s: the example of the WDR 6
Traffic radio is among the undiscovered territories of broadcasting history. Situated at the borderline between transport and broadcasting history the topic has not gained much attention by historical research yet. This paper will take up the example of the West German Broadcasting Cologne in order to analyze the influence of traffic radio on the medial change of radio from ‘Leit- zum Begleitmedium’ (Kursawe) in the 1960s and 1970s. The paper shows that traffic radio was a catalyst for the reorganization of the media ensemble. It was a symbol for radio’s service function and it was a sensitive societal topic because of the interdependencies between media and transport at a time when politics was in search for solutions for an overcrowded road network.
Christian Herzog and Michael Tracey
British Broadcasting Policy during the Seventh BBC Charter Period 1996-2006 19
In the third article of this series on British broadcasting policy and modernity we cover the period from 1996 to 2006, when the seventh BBC Charter was in operation. We address the Davies Report, the creation of Ofcom and its first statuary review of public service broadcasting (PSB), Greg Dyke’s term as Director-General (2000-2004) and trace the path towards BBC Charter renewal in 2006. In terms of the latter, the BBC grounded its future strategy outline on the concept of public value, which became a hallmark of contemporary discourse both within and about the Corporation. As in the preceding essays, we embed critical voices and reflections of individuals who either shaped or were affected by the development of the BBC and British broadcasting policy in our narrative.
Durchhalten und Dranbleiben
Zeitzeugengespräch mit Helmut Drück (Auszüge)
Keep at it an persevere
An interview with Helmut Drück (Excerpts) 27
Medienhistorisches Kolloquium
Lutherstadt Wittenberg, 13./14. November 2015 39
Stellungnahme zur Arbeit der Historischen Kommission der ARD
Position statement on the work of the Historical Commission 40
RADIO Zeit. Röhrengeräte, Design-Ikonen, Internetradio
Ausstellung im Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln,
Exhibition in the Museum für Angewandte Kunst Cologne
19. Januar bis 5. Juni 2016 41
„Entangled history medial gedacht: Internationale und transkulturelle Kommunikationsgeschichte“
Jahrestagung der Fachgruppen „Kommunikationsgeschichte“ und „Internationale und Interkulturelle Kommunikation“ der DGPuK
16. bis 18. Januar 2016 in Dortmund 43
MDR und DRA kooperieren bei „Zeitreise“ 44
DRA stellt „Das Funkkolleg“ online 44
Zeitzeugengespräch mit Helmut Haeckel 44
Janina Adamo
Zwischen Stereotyp und Realität: Die Inszenierung des „Italieners“ und der „Italienerin“ im deutschen Film. Eine Untersuchung ausgewählter Filmproduktionen im Zeitraum 1950 bis heute (Universität Würzburg)
Stereotype or Reality: the staging of the „Italians“ in German movies. An investigation of selected film productions from the 1950 to the present. 45
The dissertation project investigates feature films as a relevant and realistic source depicting cultural norms. Therefore, the focus in the research will be the representation of the „Italians“ in German films within a German setting. Stereotyped representations can be easily found in this combination. However, the interesting question is which stereotypes are relevant for a feature film, and what effects these orchestrations have on the cultural understanding the Germans have of Italians. The aim is not to publish another research paper about the German-Italian relationship and the prevailing cultural image of Italy, but to broaden the view of the research of stereotypes using cinema and television as an example. This must also include the awareness of the underlying reasons, the forms, the causes and effects, as well as the influencing factors in which the cinematic handling of the “Italians” takes place. One of the most important and interesting sources in the dissertation includes the representation of the “Italians” in documentations of the first migrant workers. The subject will be explored taking into consideration the research fields of tourism, stereotyping, immigration, and inter-cultural communications.
Dennis Basaldella
Freischaffende in der DDR. Ein Blick auf die DDR-Filmmedien durch das Werk des privaten freien Filmherstellers Horst Klein (Universität Hamburg)
Freelancers in the GDR. A view of GDR film media through the work of the private film producer Horst Klein 47
Research on the film history of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) has focused primarily on the state-owned institutions as the film studio Deutsche Film-Aktiengesellschaft (DEFA) and the state television broadcaster Deutscher Fernsehfunk (DFF). In so doing, it has neglected other productive parts of the GDR media sphere. This thesis focuses on one of these neglected chapters of GDR film history: freelance filmmakers.
Freelance filmmakers, meaning professional freelance filmmakers, who worked on commissioned productions in their own film studios for the state-owned institutions, were a rare exception in the institutionalized GDR. They were located between the state-controlled amateur film sector and the state-owned institutions of the DEFA and the DFF. And even though freelance filmmakers produced between 500 and 2300 films for the DEFA and were an essential part of the production structure in the GDR, their position was very unclear through the years and their work is not well-documented.
Therefore this thesis has the unique chance to work on the entire collection of one these GDR freelance filmmakers: Horst Klein (1920–1994). The collection, stored at the Filmmuseum in Potsdam, not only covers Klein’s entire working period from 1936 until 1994, but it also covers the entire period of the GDR itself (1949 – 1990) and contains 65 films and 53 boxes with production notes, letters and diaries, allowing unique insights into the work of freelance filmmakers in the German Democratic Republic.
Pia Deutsch
Mediating German Identities. Germany‘s National Radio,1989-1995
(University of Warwick, UK) 49
The project deals with the construction and negotiation of post-unification German national identity. It examines the extent to which living in unified Germany had to be learnt and appropriated. Based on the hypothesis that media played a decisive role in the process of unification, the dissertation will consider East and West German radio as platforms where current events and important issues were discussed. In 1994, Deutschlandradio was created out of a merger of radio stations form East and West Germany. Colleagues from societies that had been separated for over forty years had to learn how to make unification work as they began to work together. Deutschlandradio is therefore an ideal media platform to explore, firstly, how unification was presented by East and West German broadcasters whose original mission was turned on its head by unification. Secondly, the merging process of the radio stations shows how institutional unification worked on a small scale in 1994. My research will examine everyday interactions between employees, interactions with listeners, and how listening patterns changed; but I will also focus on language, as it was used consciously to articulate (and contest) hegemony, norms, and the institutional transformation process of the radio station.
Mirjam Kappes
Vergangenheit so präsent wie nie: Medien-Nostalgie im digitalen Zeitalter
The past was never so present: media nostalgia in the digital age
(Universität zu Köln) 51
Nostalgia seems to be everywhere these days. An almost omnipresent fascination with the old and obsolete permeates our contemporary culture, finding its way into various forms and formats, products and practices, aesthetics and narratives, media representations and artefacts. At a time in which digital technologies have become an integral part of everyday life, it is striking how today’s renegotiations and reappropriations of the past testify to a strong affective yearning for the pre-digital, all while not calling for a defeatist retreat from the digitalized present. Rather, contemporary expressions of nostalgia notably seem to take place in and through digital media formats and communication technologies. The PhD project reflects on how the past is revived and reproduced, reinterpreted and recombined in mediated modes, objects, and contexts. The project also aims to show how those manifested forms of an affective engagement with the past become relevant to our present realities.
Peter Richard Pinard
Broadcast Policy in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Power Structures, Programming, Cooperation and Defiance at Czech Radio 1939-1945
(Ansgar Diller) 53
Christoph Hilgert
Die unerhörte Generation. Jugend im westdeutschen und britischen Hörfunk, 1945-1963
(Martin Stallmann) 54
Anke Fiedler
Medienlenkung in der DDR
(Margarete Keilacker) 55
Andreas Kötzing / Ralf Schenk (Hg.)
Verbotene Utopie. Die SED, die DEFA und das 11. Plenum
(Fernando Ramos Arenas) 56
Christina von Hodenberg
Television‘s Moment. Sitcom Audiences and the Sixties Cultural Revolution
(Michael Hill) 57
Daniela Zetti
Das Programm der elektronischen Vielfalt. Fernsehen als Gemeinplatz in der BRD, 1950–1980
(Judith Kretzschmar) 59
Dietmar Schickel
Nach der Plage. Vom Überlebenskampf eines Medienunternehmens
(Margarete Keilacker) 60
Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Heftes U4